What areas does austin energy service?

Our service area covers approximately 437 square miles. Most of that area is within Travis County, and the remaining square miles belong to Williamson County. Approximately half of our service area is within the city limits of Austin. The City of Austin provides public services to residents of Austin and some surrounding areas. Depending on where you live, you could receive one or more public services from the city of Austin.

You can download the online version of the Austin Energy Design Criteria Manual for free. If you are not sure which design office to contact, consult the Austin Energy Service land map (pdf) to determine which office is compatible with your service area. For underground service, the customer must perform all civil works on the Austin Energy facilities installed on the customer's property. In the event of a conflict, the official manual filed with the Austin City Clerk's office will prevail. The Austin Energy Design Criteria Manual provides criteria, guidelines, definitions, and descriptions for the design and installation of electrical installations to be serviced by Austin Energy.

Solar systems that are interconnected to the distribution system and are located in the Austin Energy service area require prior inspection by Austin Energy before they can be turned on. An exemption will apply such that the percentage discount on the cost of servicing a residential development equals the percentage of affordable housing (% of CIAC discount =% of affordable housing), and the percentage of affordable housing will be established in the SMART housing certification of the City of Austin. It also defines the minimum technical and financial requirements for the safe integration of customer-owned energy production facilities with the Austin Power Distribution System. For projects where an Austin Energy design is required, charges for Austin Energy meters and service cables will be included in the total cost of the line extension.

There are deposit exemptions, and the City of Austin Utilities reimburses deposits with interest when certain conditions are met...

Collin Coaster
Collin Coaster

Amateur tv fan. Amateur zombie advocate. Lifelong twitter lover. Freelance twitter aficionado. Total analyst.