What utilities does city of austin utilities cover?

Public services with the City of Austin. Your bill includes utility charges for the City of Austin. Depending on where you live, this may include charges for drainage, electricity, solid waste, utility, wastewater and water. Your bill includes charges for all utilities in the city of Austin. It may include charges for drainage, electricity, solid waste, utility, wastewater and water.

The service details section of your bill describes a detailed breakdown of the costs of electricity, water and wastewater services and the rates that apply to your City of Austin utility bill. Call ahead to connect your new home's utilities the day before or the day of your scheduled move (listed below are resources on telephone, Internet, cable, gas, electricity and other public services)).

Collin Coaster
Collin Coaster

Amateur tv fan. Amateur zombie advocate. Lifelong twitter lover. Freelance twitter aficionado. Total analyst.